A dataset containing a subset of the Flora e Funga do Brasil database (version 393.401)
A data.frame
with 50010 rows and 23 variables:
Species names
Complete scientific name of the species
Accepted name of the species (NA when the name in species is already an accepted name)
Kingdom to which species belongs (Plantae or Fungi)
Major group to which species belongs (Angiosperms, Gymnosperms, Ferns and Lycophytes, Bryophytes, and Algae)
Subgroup to which species belongs. Only available for Bryophytes (Mosses, Hornworts, and Liverworts)
Phylum to which species belongs
Class to which species belongs
Order to which species belongs
Family to which species belongs
Genus to which species belongs
Life form of the species (e.g: Tree, Herb, Shrub, etc.)
Habitat type of the species (e.g., Terrestrial, Rupicolous, Epiphytic, etc.)
Biomes with confirmed occurrences of the species
Federal states with confirmed occurrences of the species
Vegetation types with confirmed occurrences of the species
Indicates whether the species is Native, Naturalized, or Cultivated in Brazil
Indicates whether the species is Endemic or Non-endemic to Brazil
Indicates the level of recognition and acceptance of the species (Accepted or Synonym)
Indicates the legitimacy and validity of the species name (Correct, Illegitimate, Uncertain_Application, etc.)
Locally or culturally used name for the species
Taxonomic rank (Species, Genus, Family, Order, etc). This data contains only Species
Unique id for species
Flora e Funga do Brasil. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Available at: http://floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br/