Get Spatial polygons (SpatVectors) of species based on its distribution (states and biomes) according to Flora e Funga do Brasil
state = TRUE,
biome = TRUE,
intersection = TRUE,
state_vect = NULL,
state_column = NULL,
biome_vect = NULL,
biome_column = NULL,
verbose = TRUE
(data.frame) the data.frame imported with the
(character) one or more species names (only genus and specific epithet, eg. "Araucaria angustifolia")
(logical) get SpatVector of states with occurrence of the species? Default = TRUE
(logical) get SpatVector of biomes with occurrence of the species? Default = TRUE
(character) get a Spatvector representing the intersection between states and biomes with occurrence of the specie? To use intersection = TRUE, you must define state = TRUE and biome = TRUE". Default = TRUE
(SpatVector) a SpatVector of the Brazilian states. By default, it uses the SpatVector provided by geobr::read_state(). It can be another Spatvector, but the structure must be identical to geobr::read_state().
(character) name of the column in state_vect containing state abbreviations. Only use if biome_vect is not null.
(SpatVector) a SpatVector of the Brazilian biomes. By default, it uses the SpatVector provided by geobr::read_biomes(). It can be another SpatVector, but the structure must be identical to geobr::read_biomes().
(character) name of the column in biome_vect containing names of brazilian biomes (in English: "Amazon", "Atlantic_Forest", "Caatinga", "Cerrado", "Pampa" and "Pantanal". Only use if biome_vect is not null.
(logical) Whether to display species being filtered during function execution. Set to TRUE to enable display, or FALSE to run silently. Default = TRUE.
A list with SpatVectors of states and/or biomes and/or Intersections for each specie.
Flora e Funga do Brasil. Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Available at: http://floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br/
#> terra 1.8.5
data("bf_data") #Load Flora e Funga do Brasil data
spp <- c("Araucaria angustifolia", "Adesmia paranensis") #Example species
#Get states, biomes and intersection states-biomes of species
spp_spt <- get_spat_occ(data = bf_data, species = spp, state = TRUE,
biome = TRUE, intersection = TRUE, state_vect = NULL,
biome_vect = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
#> Getting states of Araucaria angustifolia
#> Getting biomes of Araucaria angustifolia
#> Getting biomes of Araucaria angustifolia
#> Getting states of Adesmia paranensis
#> Getting biomes of Adesmia paranensis
#> Getting biomes of Adesmia paranensis
#Plot states of occurrence of Araucaria angustifolia
plot(spp_spt[[1]]$states, main = names(spp_spt)[[1]])
#Plot biomes of occurrence of Araucaria angustifolia
plot(spp_spt[[2]]$biomes, main = names(spp_spt)[[2]])
#Plot intersection between states and biomes of occurrence of
#Araucaria angustifolia