Resolve discrepancies between species and subspecies/varieties information




(data.frame) the data.frame imported with the load_florabr function.


a data.frame with the discrepancies solved


In the original dataset, discrepancies may exist between species and subspecies/varieties information. An example of a discrepancy is when a species occurs only in one biome (e.g., Amazon), but a subspecies or variety of the same species occurs in another biome (e.g., Cerrado). This function rectifies such discrepancies by considering distribution (states, biomes, and vegetation), life form, and habitat. For instance, if a subspecies is recorded in a specific biome, it implies that the species also occurs in that biome.


data("bf_data") #Load Flora e Funga do Brasil data
#Check if discrepancies were solved in the dataset
attr(bf_data, "solve_discrepancies")
#> [1] FALSE
#Solve discrepancies
bf_solved <- solve_discrepancies(bf_data)
#Check if discrepancies were solved in the dataset
attr(bf_solved, "solve_discrepancies")
#> [1] TRUE