An overview of research projects mentored by me or those in which I contributed as a committee member.
Analysis of the State of Parana using the Sustainability Barometer method
Student: Felipe Aguiar Martin.
Project Title (Original): Analise do Estado do Parana, segundo o metodo do barometro da sustentabilidade.
Year: 2021.
Type of project: Undergraduate Thesis (Biological Sciences).
Institution: Federal University of Parana.
Type of mentoring: Co-orientation.
Where Does the Dragonfly Live? Distribution Model of Ischnura capreolus (Hagen, 1861) in the American Continent
Student: Caroline Beatriz Silva Costa.
Project Title (Original): Onde Vive a Libelula? Modelo de Distribuicao de Ischnura capreolus (Hagen, 1861) no Continente Americano.
Year: 2021
Type of project: Undergraduate Thesis (Biological Sciences).
Institution: Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais.
Type of mentoring: Co-orientation.
Ecological Niche Modeling of Cloeon smaeleni Lestage, 1924, an Invasive Mayfly Species
Student: Helena Maura de Andrade Soares.
Project Title (Original): Modelagem de nicho ecologico de Cloeon smaeleni Lestage, 1924, uma especie invasora de Ephemeroptera.
Year: 2020
Type of project: Undergraduate Thesis (Biological Sciences).
Institution: Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais.
Type of mentoring: Co-orientation.
Teaching Evolution in Confessional Schools: Discourses and Possibilities
Student: Caroline Monteiro Daffara
Project Title (Original): O Ensino do Evolucionismo em Escolas Confessionais: Discursos e Possibilidades.
Year: 2017
Type of project: Undergraduate Thesis (Biological Sciences).
Institution: State University of Ponta Grossa.
Type of mentoring: Orientation.
WEBQUEST and Biology Teaching: A Study on the Use of Educational Technologies in Classes on Angiosperms
Student: Jacqueline Goncalves dos Santos.
Project Title (Original): WEBQUEST e o Ensino de Biologia: um estudo sobre a utilizacao das Tecnologias Educacionais nas aulas sobre Angiospermas.
Year: 2017
Type of project: Undergraduate Thesis (Natural Sciences and Mathematics).
Institution: Federal Institude of Parana.
Type of mentoring: Co-orientation.
The impact of climate change on the occurrence and distribution of beetles of the genus Omophoita Chevrolat, 1836 (Chrysomelidae) in Brazil
Student: Marcos Cesar Pochynski Galvao Junior
Project Title (Original): O impacto das mudancas climaticas na ocorrencia e distribuicao de besouros do genero Omophoita Chevrolat, 1836 (Chrysomelidae) no Brasil
Year: 2023
Type of project: Undergraduate Thesis (Biological Sciences).
Institution: State University of Ponta Grossa.
Ecological Niche Modeling and actions for the prevention of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in the state of Parana
Student: Erica da Silva Araujo
Project Title (Original): Modelagem de Nicho Ecologico e acoes para a prevencao de Leishmaniose Tegumentar Americana no estado do Parana
Year: 2021
Type of project: Undergraduate Thesis (Biological Sciences).
Institution: State University of Ponta Grossa.
Human and non-human animal relationships in the context of Science textbooks
Student: Ana Claudia Azevedo Camargo
Project Title (Original): Relacoes animais humanos e nao humanos no contexto dos livros didaticos de Ciencias
Year: 2018
Type of project: Undergraduate Thesis (Biological Sciences).
Institution: State University of Ponta Grossa.